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   Rules for STAT Archives

A brief history of the STAT Archives

For many years a lack of space meant that STAT had no possibility for a formal or organised way of collecting and storing material on the Technique. Individual teachers collected material on the Technique but not STAT. It was not until the 1980s that an informal collection policy started, and in 1991 a formal proposal for setting up an archive collection was agreed. STAT now subscribes to a newspaper cutting service, but relies predominantly on donations for all other additions to its collection. (Please see How to donate.)

A tailor-made classification system was created in the 1990s, and in 2001 the task began of classifying and entering information onto a database, and of organising the storage of the material. In 2007 the database was transferred onto the internet, and a dedicated website was created. It went online in November 2007 (at which point the archives comprised over 6,000 records from a total of 2,000 items).

The collection comprises mostly newspaper and magazine articles from the 1990s onwards, and Alexander Technique society newsletters.

For more details

   The classification system
   Manual for classification
   For archivists


1. The name of the collection of archive material is The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique Archives, (herinafter "Archives").
2. The Archives is the property of The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique, London, (herinafter "STAT").
3. All rules for the collection of material and access to material are made by the Council of STAT.
4. The purpose of the Archives is collect, preserve and make available to visitors material on the Alexander Technique, its history and any other material of interest to the study of the Alexander Technique.
5. The Council of STAT appoints an Archivist who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Archives.
6. The Archivist is responsible for
  1. collecting material, indexing it and - with the exception of restricted material - making it available upon request to readers;
  2. the accounts of the Archives which shall follow the same account year as STAT;
  3. reporting the state and progress of the Archives to the Council of STAT and/or at an AGM should this be requested;
  4. furnish readers with photocopies of required material as far as their wish can met; and
  5. showing the necessary discretion concerning information of a private and sensitive nature relating to individuals which is revealed in any restricted material both while being appointed Archivist and after having been relieved of the duties of being an Archivist.
7. Material eligible for the Archives includes:
  1. anything on the F. M. Alexander Technique: advertisements, brochures, articles, books, pamphlets, letters, tapes and videos or anything on a retrivial system, published or unpublished;
  2. all historical material concerning F. Matthias Alexander, his family, teachers and the development of the Technique including notes and letters between teachers or on the Technique, casestories, pupil's appreciations, training courses and societies relating to the F. M. Alexander Technique;
  3. artistic expressions of the Technique as well as the Technique mentioned in other contexts;
  4. everything on human health and well-being and human development: anatomy, physiology, medicine, complimentary medicine and all forms of physical culture; and
  5. other material deemed of interest to the study and futherance of the Alexander Technique.
8. All donations/depositions shall be acknowledged in writing. Records should list donor or depositor unless anonymity is specifically expressed.
9. Material can be deposited with the Archives for a minimum of 5 years. However, the Archives or STAT cannot be financial responsible for any loss or damage of material due to theft, water, fire, earthquake or anything beyond the control of STAT.
10. The donor/depositor may request that material may be restricted for a number of years or until the death of the depositor or author of material, etc.
11. Material of a sensitive and personal nature may be restricted at the discretion of the Archivist.
12. All readers shall sign in the visitor's book that they have read and will abide by the "Rules for readers" (enclosed) which shall be clearly exhibited in the visitor's book.
13. All applicants for photocopies shall fill in and sign the "Form of declaration and application for photocopies" to qualify for receiving photocopies (where applicable).

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