Classification > Class Q

   Class Q

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Class D
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Class Q - Societies, trusts, institutions and other Alexander Technique organisations
Q.10         General
Q.20         International societies, coorporation and issues
Q.22         International liaison, relationships; affiliation rules
Q.24         International issues
[Class here cross-society issues of relevance of teachers worldwide: Professional standards: training, ethics, teacher-pupil relationship issues.]

Q.24.44         Teacher standards

Q.25         Teachers’ associations, network, newsletters, etc.

Q.25.33         Alexander Technique International

Q.27         Communication and networking among teachers (incl. web-based bulletin boards)
Q.28         International Congresses (reports, purpose, policy)
Q.29         Other

Q.30         U. K. and Ireland societies and organisations
Q.32         Coordination between and common issues for UK societies and organisations

Q.33  STAT [Following subclasses also apply to Q.40-Q.90]

Q.33.05         STAT newsletters
Q.33.19         Collections
Q.33.20         Function and organisation [purpose, fundamental policies, procedures and structure, feedback, debates. Class official agenda and proposals/motions and AGM, Council etc. minutes in Q.33.80.]

Q.33.21         Position and fundamental policies (present state, long-term policies and planning)
Q.33.22         Membership [teacher, student, associate, STAT relationship to members]
Q.33.24         Structure [principle of council, committee, regional groups, voting, student representation, etc.]
Q.33.25         General meetings [AGM, SGM, Conferences]
Q.33.26         Council
Q.33.27         Committees
[Only general discussions. Class specific committees under their subject, e.g. training course committee in Q.33.43]
Q.33.28         Regional and other membership meetings  (panel discussions)

Q.33.30         Administration and Finance [office, budgets, accounts, insurance, sales]

Q.33.32         General administration [membership numbers?]
Q.33.33         Office admin
Q.33.34         Sales (books, STAT Books)
Q.33.36         Finance and budget (treasurer’s reports) [Class audited accounts in 21.16]
Q.33.37         Insurance

Q.33.40         Ethics and Training Issues (CPD, teacher training, advertising issues pertaining to the individual teacher, teacher-pupil relationship issues, compentencies, moderators) [Class only policy issues; reports etc. in D.43 etc.]

Q.33.43         Teacher training requirements and curriculum, approval and re-approval (review) procedure
[Issues relation to starting up a training course, and any re-approval process to continue]
Q.33.44         Teacher training standards, compentencies, moderators
[Issues relating to the standard of training as an on-going process, review procedure for individual teachers. Class here compentencies etc. which are internally driven. Class in Q.33.66 compentencies which are motivated by a need to comply with outside regulatory bodies or local laws.]
Q.33.46         Advertising issues pertaining to the individual teacher
Q.33.47         Ethics: teacher-pupil relationship issues
Q.33.48         Ethics: Standards of conduct for people employed or acting on behalf of the Society

Q.33.50         Public relations, Publications and Library

Q.33.52         Public relations (fund raising; advertisement, advertising issues pertaining to the Society, website)
Q.33.57         Publications (teachers’ lists, editorial policies of STATNews, The Alexander Journal)
Q.33.58         Library and archives

Q.33.60         Liaison and relationship to outside bodies: other teacher societies, government [Class here government regulations affecting members, NOS]

Q.33.62         Affiliated societies
Q.33.63         Non-STAT trained teachers and other teacher societies
Q.33.64         Other AT networks, institutions, groups (international congresses)
Q.33.65         Non-AT institutions, etc.
Q.33.66         Local and national governments [Class here government or state regulations or laws affecting members, NOS. See note for Q.33.44.]

Q.33.70         Other committees and special projects (arts, education, student network, funds, charities)
Q.33.80         Official documents [Class debates, letters etc. in other categories]

Q.33.82         Constitutions
Q.33.83         Other rules and guidelines (conduct, compentencies)
Q.33.84         Agenda (proposals, motions) and minutes of AGMs
[Include Reconvended AGMs, Extraordinary AGMs and Special Conferences]
Q.33.85         Agenda and minutes of Council/Board
Q.33.86         Agenda and minutes of Committees and special reports
[84-86 preceded with either “Agenda:” “Motions:” or “Minutes:” etc. unless the title already starts with one of these keywords.]
Q.33.87         Accounts
Q.33.88         Teacher’s lists
Q.33.89         Other (CPD)

Q.33.90         Other
Q.33.93         Statistics, surveys

Q.34  Other UK and Ireland professional teaching societies
Q.35  Teachers’ associations, network, newsletters, etc.

Q.35.21         Alexander Society (1936-1939?)
Q.35.22         Alexander Teaching Associates (1981-1985)

Q.36  Teacher training courses and students organisations, associations, newsletters, etc. [CTC, NETCAT newsletter]
Q.37  Pupil (friend) associations, networks, newsletters etc.

Q.37.21         Friends of the Alexander Technique

Q.38  Fund-raising organisations [The F. M. Alexander Trust]
Q.39  Other [Alexander Technique Research Association]

Q.40  Rest of Europe

Q.43         Northern Europe: Scandinavia, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
Q.43.30         Denmark
Q.43.33         DFLAT
Q.43.36         Teacher training courses and students organisations, associations, newsletters, etc. [ISAT journal]
Q.43.60         Finland
Q.43.63         FINSTAT ry
Q.44         Central Europe: Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Poland
Q.45         Middle Europe: Belgium, France, Switzerland
Q.46         Italian Peninsula and adjacent islands: Italy
Q.47         Iberian Peninsula and adjacent islands: Spain
Q.48         Eastern Europe: Russia, Ukraine
Q.49         Southern and South-eastern Europe: Greece, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia Hercegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia

Q.50         America

Q.53         AmSAT (formerly NASTAT)

Q.53.05         AmSAT News (ASAT News, NASTAT News)
Q.53.11         Purpose of AmSAT
Q.53.19         Collections
Q.53.20         Function and organisation [purpose, fundamental policies, procedures and structure, feedback, debates. Class official agenda and proposals/motions and AGM, Council etc. minutes in Q.33.80.]

Q.53.21         Position and fundamental policies (long-term policies and planning)
Q.53.22         Membership [teacher, student, associate, AmSAT relationship to members]
Q.53.24         Structure and procedures [principle of board, committee, regional groups, voting, student representation, procedures of meetings, decision-making, etc.]
Q.53.25         General meetings [AGM, SGM, Conferences]
Q.53.26         Board
Q.53.27         Committeee [Only general discussions. Class specific committees under their subject, e.g. training course committee in Q.53.43]
Q.53.28         Regional and other membership meetings (panel discussions)

Q.53.30         Administration and Finance [office, budgets, accounts, insurance, sales]

Q.53.32         General administration
Q.53.33         Office admin (personel policy)
Q.53.34         Sales (AmSAT Books)
Q.53.36         Finance and budget (treasurer’s reports, donations received)
[Class audited accounts in 21.16]
Q.53.37         Insurance

Q.53.40         Ethics and Training Issues (teacher training, advertising issues pertaining to the individual teacher, teacher-pupil relationship issues, compentencies, moderators, review procedure)
[Class only policy and management issues; reports etc. in D.43 etc. Class advertising itself in R.]

Q.53.43         Teacher training requirements and curriculum, approval and re-approval (review) procedure [Issues relation to starting up a training course, and any re-approval process to continue]
Q.53.44         Teacher training standards, compentencies, moderators, CPD [Issues relating to the standard of training as an on-going process, review procedure for individual teachers]
Q.53.46         Advertising issues pertaining to the individual teacher
Q.53.47         Ethics: teacher-pupil and teacher-teacher relationship issues (debates on code of professional conducts)
Q.53.48         Ethics: Standards of conduct for people employed or acting on behalf of the Society

Q.53.50         Public relations, Publications and Library (include letters to newspapers etc. correcting published descriptions of the Technique)

Q.53.52         Public relations (fund raising; advertisement, advertising issues and marketing strategies pertaining to the Society, Society website in publications????)
Q.53.57         Publications (teachers’ lists, editorial policies of AmSAT News)
Q.53.58         Library and archives

Q.53.60         Liaison and relationship to outside bodies

Q.53.62         Affiliated societies
Q.53.63         Non-AmSAT trained teachers and other teacher societies
Q.53.64         Other AT networks, institutions, groups (international congresses)
Q.53.65         Non-AT institutions, universities, etc.
Q.53.66         Local, state and national governments
[Class here government or state regulations or laws affecting members, NOS]

Q.53.70         Other committees and special projects (arts, education, student network, funds, charities)
Q.53.80         Official documents
[Class debates, letters, feedback etc. in other categories]

Q.53.82         Constitutions
Q.53.83         Other rules and guidelines
Q.53.84         Agenda (proposals, motions) and minutes of AGMs
[Include Reconvended AGMs, Extraordinary AGMs and Special Conferences]
Q.53.85         Agenda and minutes of Council/Board
Q.53.86         Agenda and minutes, reports of Committees
[84-86 preceded with either “Agenda:” “Motions:” or “Minutes:” etc.]
Q.53.87         Accounts
Q.53.88         Teacher’s lists
Q.53.89         Other (CPD)

Q.53.90         Other
Q.53.93         Statistics, surveys
[Class here surveys which cover more than one subject.]

Q.54  Other American professional teaching societies

Q.54.22         CANSTAT

Q.55         Teachers’ associations, network, newsletters, etc.

Q.55.22         ACAT [The Alexandrian, ACAT News]

Q.56         Teacher training courses and students organisations, associations, newsletters, etc.
Q.57  Pupil associations, networks, newsletters etc.
Q.58  Fund-raising organisations
Q.59  Other [The Alexander Technique Association of New England - ATA]

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